i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Felicia: Really meh! I didnt receive your call leh! ):
Nadnut: Hehehe, thanks babe!
(::Search on ebay.
Felzie: Hehehe, thanks babe!
Weiling: Hahahas, ok lar, it's fun to eat cute food mar,
worth the trouble! :D
Xinmei: Hey babe, ordered thru spree
Reader: Link is changed! (:
Sharlene: Hehehe, thanks babe!
Elaine: Food colouring
Siewyin: Cute right! Hahahahs
Pinggg: Wahh! Really got so hard ah!
I apply alot but still soft soft ahahahs, but not as soft already!
Genviene: Hahahas, your comment is so funny!
Lucas: Thank you! :D
Rachel: Hehehe, thanks babe!
Jess: Hehehe, thanks dear!
Sarah: thanks! :D
Peggy: thank you!
Dawn: No problem (:
--: Thank you!
Passerby - kw: Hahahas, no lah! But thanks!
Audrey: Hahahas, I'm sure we will, and thanks! :D
Nicole: Hahahas, goosebumps = good/bad?! Lol.
Spankalot: Yup!
Jasmine : LOL! Paiseh leeeeeh, my skin so thin!
Angel: hahas, thanks
Zhen: thanks babe! (:
Lyne: Hehehe, thanks dear~
Wow: Lol, i get that "you don't look like 18" thing
alot and thanks!
Atiqah: Heh, thanks!
:) : Sure we will! :D
Hello: Heheh, thank you
Sol: Hahhas, i use contact lens tweezer!
All my friends are like omg ewwww when i tell them that,
but i just can't simple use my fingernails to remove them,
Super hard -.-
Stasia: Arab Street (:
Gniyis: heh, and your name is damn cool!
Took me like 3 times to spell it right! lol,
I feel retarded.
Weeting: Thank you!
Lily: hahahhas, you haven't saw the worst ones! -.-
Anonymous: I got it from mandee.com (:
Jessmiex: thank you!
") : Awww, thank you!
Shirley G: I don't care! Take leave lah!
Yuling: Heheh, no idea leh, but i don't wanna look bloody!
lol, you bring your son and make him look like
some monster baby with makeup LOL
Ivy: heh, thank you!
Sarahhh (: : Hahahas, he's damn haolian somemore!
And thank you! (:
Boyf's bento: riceballs, quail eggs, mushroom with cheese & flower carrot,
prata sausage, fruit salad, edamame peas.
don't ask me how i dye my eggs pink again!
Think before asking ok, food colouring, FOOD COLOURING!
Study study study study,
I'm so stoned after staring
at my notes for the entire afternoon!
Tomorrow is my ITT paper, argh.
hehe, by the way my marketing paper went pretty oooook,
I'm sure i got like most of the terms wrong and stuff,
But all least my points are like all there lar.
It's like the 1st time i took a paper and sat there for
the entire 2 and a half hour writing non-stop,
my finger hurts after the paper -.-
I'm so so so so so looking forward to the 31st!
Cos my exams will be over by then,
AND i wanna go to the halloween party at Zouk.
Shirley and yuling says they wanna go together!
But shirley can't confirm ):
Take leave leh, girl!
Anyone of you going toooo?
Hehe, what are you gonna dress up as?
I got bored of studying today, so i played with my makeup!
I really don't have any idea what look to do for halloween,
But i'm def not going for the gooooooory, bloody look.
Basically what me and jess did for jasmine for our improptu
creative makeup shoot afew mths ago:
Just with different e/s colour and some bling! :D
I'm really bad at the swirly thingy, lol, looks like crap.
I used:
- MAC shadestick in Sharkskin
- MAC e/s in Munity, Azreal Blue, Softwash Grey
- MAC e/s in teal (lower eye rim)
- Stila smudgepots (eyeliner & swirls)
- Gold liquid eyeliner
Zircon Blue, Black diamond, light peach
I was thinking like ice queen or.. i dunno!
I don't know if this is gonna be my halloween look,
It's reaaaaally boring!
Maybe something cooler will pop out into my mind soon.
Give me some ideas ok!
Went to jess house on sunday after church!
I took a cab to her house,
and i had reaaally really bad motion sickness,
and i almost puked at jess's house lift.
Thaaaank god i didn't.
And that taxi driver ah, i was like feeling so dizzy
and i wanna puke already he still slowly take his own
sweet time to pass me my change @#$%^&
IF i puked in taxi, it'll be his own fault lor!
And we studied together!
Ok.. in between we did watch some japanese comedy show,
and eat some pizza AND watch Mr and Mrs smith on tv...
But we did study ok!
Smelly jess made me model for her advertorial clothes!
She was like so cute, draped me with pearls and all then went crazy
"Ahh, so retro, so nice, i'll never see you like that
with pearls and everything normally lor!"

Ok, going back to mugging!
Remember to click on my nuffnang ad before leaving! :D
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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